2 & 3 Dec 2019 | CELEMI Business Simulation training
74,897 total views
Copper and aluminium are primary choices of material for cable conductors due to its mechanical, electrical properties and of course price of the commodity itself. The table above show the comparison between various metals according to the International Annealed Copper Standard (IACS). The diagram on the right illustrates that different material due to different conductivity…
93,386 total views
10 Mei 2020 (17 Ramadhan 1441 H) | Salam Nuzul Quran kepada semua umat Islam . Semoga kita mendapat syafaat pada 17 Ramadhan ini dan Al-Quran sentiasa menjadi peneman hidup kita di dunia dan akhirat. “Bulan Ramadhan itu memiliki keberkatannya tersendiri dan ianya ditambahkan lagi dengan dipilih turunnya Al-Quran. Dan dipilih tempatnya menerima Al-Quran iaitu…
12,254 total views
01 April 2019 Kolam Memancing Dusun Datuk Murad 75,821 total views
75,821 total views