Batch 2.0 from UTeM, Melaka for our Knowledge Sharing Program with Electrical students. This program was designed to give IPTA/ IPTS students exposure regarding the power cable industry.
We also took the opportunity to enroll our people from the Executive Leadership Development Program to be a part of the event by facilitating the day.
Program “Back to School (BTS)” dan OSH Day adalah program tahunan anjuran Central Cables Berhad. Program gabungan ini di rasmikan oleh Dr Raabayah (Ketua Pengarah JKKP) dan En Zakrysham Zainal Bahry (Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif) diiringi bersama En Mohd Aizat (Pegawai Besar Korporat & Strategi) dan En Zani Kassim (Pengerusi OSH). Kedua-dua program tahun ini bertemakan…
07 May 2020 | Happy Vesak Day to all Buddhist and those celebrating. Lets take this opportunity to count our blessings and help those who is less fortunate. May all of us continue to grow TOGETHER in wisdom, gratitude and compassion towards all sentient beings. 12,761 total views