Chinese New Year Celebration 2019 at Central Cables Berhad.
We had great celebration with performance of Dragon Dance, Lion Dance and Yee Sang with all CCB staffs
76,389 total views
Chinese New Year Celebration 2019 at Central Cables Berhad.
We had great celebration with performance of Dragon Dance, Lion Dance and Yee Sang with all CCB staffs
76,389 total views
11 Mar 2020 | Central Cables Berhad Batch 2.0 from UTeM, Melaka for our Knowledge Sharing Program with Electrical students. This program was designed to give IPTA/ IPTS students exposure regarding the power cable industry. We also took the opportunity to enroll our people from the Executive Leadership Development Program to be a part of…
10,845 total views
Merry Christmas everyone! May this christmas bring joy to your heart and happiness to your home. Stay safe and happy holidays! 14,664 total views
14,664 total views
Salam Akhir Ramadhan dan Salam Lebaran Semoga Allah menerima seluruh amal ibadah kita sepanjang bulan Ramadhan ini. Ramadhan bakal pergi meninggalkan kita. Namun lambaian Syawal pula menanti di sana. Dengan luhur hati ikhlas kemaafan, semoga silap dan salah mohon di ampuni. Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir dan Batin. 11,612 total views
11,612 total views
Almost any type of copper or aluminium conductor produced today undergoes concentric stranding to build up to a desired cross-sectional area. For instance it is much more practical and cost effective to produce a 19-wire 35mm2 conductor than to produce a single solid 35mm2 conductor. 103,327 total views
103,327 total views